Piazzetta dei Minusieri Murales

It has been a pleasure to meet Anna Rigassio, the director of the Bilioteca Torino Centro which has recently been relocated in the newly renovated Palazzo Siccardi at the heart of Turin's historical district.

Palazzo Siccardi, heavily damaged by Second World War bombing raids, was abandoned for decades until a few years ago when the Comune di Torino began its renovation. The boarded up main access to the building, with its beautiful baroque decorations, provided an ideal surface and frame for artistic experimentation. In 1986,  Luca Rastello, Quirico Migheli and I with the help and support of friends from the art group Opera al Rosso, painted two murals during the course of two nights.

I am posting below old images of the murals to remember an art and friendship adventure of many years ago, to showcase the extensive renovation of the portal and of the building and to thank Anna for the detective work she undertook to find its authors and to give them credit by including their work in the panels that chronicle the history of the palazzo.

annna rigassio e io al portale.jpg